* Eurofasad struktur is a premixed plaster containing coarse aggre
gate from 1,5 – 2,5mm, enriched with resins.
Eurofasad offers:
* Total water-repellance
* Breathing ability
* Suitable for indoors and outdoorsDIRECTION FOR USE
* The surface must be clean, free of dust, grease, loose particles, etc.
Before the application of eurofasde, the surface should be treated
with baze-grundbunjamini, in order to ensure a perfect application. Eurofasade is added into clean water under continuous
stirring, until a homogenous mass is reached. THE PLASTER is applied by hand with a float or trowel. The plaster is then treated by a plastic float, in horizontal or circular movements depending on the desirable structure. Working time depends on the working temperature and the absorbtion ability of the surface.STORAGE
12 months from production date if stored in original, unopened packaging, in places protected from moisture and frost.