* Euro 10 and Euro 110 are pre-mixed, cement lime basedplasters, that need only the addition ofwater.
Euro 10 and euro 1 10 offer:
* High adhesion to the substrate.
* Excellent workability.
* Simplification and acceleration ofapplication.
* Ideal for application with plasteringmachine.
* Excellent vapor permeability of theconstruction.
* Suitable for indoor and outdoorapplications.DIRECTION FOR USE
* Substrate: The substrate must be free of dust, oily orloose materials etc. and should be thoroughlydampened, before the application of Ready plaster.
* Application: Euro 10 and euro 1 10 is added into water under continuous stirring, until a mortar with the required workability is formed.The plaster is applied with a plasteringmachine or by hand, using a float or a trowel.
The final coat of plaster should follow 7 daysat least after the Plaster Application.STORAGE
12 months from production date if stored in original, unopened packaging, in places protected from moisture and frost.